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- Home | IKC
Hacer que Kentucky sea más seguro y saludable Vaccine Finder Map SOBRE NOSOTROS Kentucky seguro y saludable Immunize Kentucky Coalition es un programa asociado con Kentucky Rural Health Association (KRHA). Aquí en IKC, estamos motivados a hacer nuestra parte para hacer de Kentucky un lugar más seguro. A partir de 2022, participaremos en una amplia gama de actividades que empoderan a las personas y las comunidades. Nos esforzamos por construir relaciones productivas y tener un impacto positivo en todas nuestras actividades. Crear un Kentucky más saludable a través de la educación/concientización sobre la inmunización, establecer las necesidades de salud y luchar por la equidad en la salud. ¿Estás listo para unirte a nosotros y crear un cambio en nuestro gran estado? Hazte miembro Únete a nuestra misión Donar Hacer posible el cambio Patrocinador Ampliar nuestro alcance Próximos Eventos.... NOTICIAS Actualizaciones relevantes e importantes sobre vacunas y enfermedades Tasas de vacunación de Kentucky por edad y vacuna Ver rastreador Tasa de influenza de Kentucky Ver rastreador KY Res. Actualizaciones sobre la gripe de Kentucky Vaccines Enlace directo al sitio web de vacunación
- Newsletters | Immunize KY
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- Symposium Presentations | Immunize KY
Symposium Resources Thank you for attending our vaccination training. Below are all the PowerPoints and resources presented in the training. We look forward to seeing you at our next event. Childhood Vaccination ppt. Kentucky Immunization Registry ppt. School-Age Vaccination Data ppt. Nursing Vaccination Training ppt. IKC Information & Resources ppt. Keynote: Vaccine Hesitancy ppt. Childhood Immunizations: A Pediatrician's Perspective ppt. Vaccines: Do We Really Need Them? ppt. If you have any questions, please email our Program Coordinator, Jessy Sanders at
Eventos (4)
- May 17, 2024 | 12:00 PM750 Morton Blvd, Hazard, KY 41701, USA
- June 29, 2023 | 1:30 PM4800 New Hartford Rd, Owensboro, KY 42303, USA
- June 20, 2023 | 1:30 PM316 W 2nd St, Morehead, KY 40351, USA
Entradas del foro (9)
- covid+flu coadministration in 2024 ?En Ask the ProvidersJuly 9, 2024How wonderful that you are planning ahead to keep your family healthy and safe for this winter's sick season. And YES! The CDC and the AAP are still recommending both flu and COVID vaccines for people over the age of 6 mos for this fall. As far as when they may be ready and available at your local office/pharmacy/health department- that's still to de determined. Currently at our office we do not have dates on arrival of either of these vaccines for our patients. Previous years we generally have a better idea by the beginning of September. And perhaps by that time you can call your medical home office and ask if they have any estimates. I'll link the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) release from last month concerning recommendations for COVID and flu vaccine for this fall. I know that doesn't give you a specific answer to your question, but that is as good as is available for now. However with the current recommendations-it's a good guess that you will likely be able to get both vaccines at the same time this fall. Alissa11
- covid+flu coadministration in 2024 ?En Ask the Providers·July 5, 2024I'm starting to see and hear quite a bit for this fall's covid and flu recommendations. Flu appears to be ready on a similar schedule as in years past, but everything I've seen w COVID still appears date of availability TBA but everyone 6-months and older still need a booster. I have preferred (to date) to get the shots at the same time, not just for me and my husband, but for our twin almost two year olds. Is this still the go-to recommendation for this year's boosters, and/or does anyone have stronger insights on when this fall's COVID shots might be ready exactly?0236
- Introduce yourselfEn General Discussion/UpdatesMay 22, 2024Hi! I am a pediatrician practicing in Northern Kentucky for the past 25 years since finishing my training at the University of Kentucky. The effectiveness of immunizations has greatly changed the kinds of illnesses we see in the office everyday and I would be glad to share my experience in anyway that can help parents feel comfortable with things.10